Validation passed with no Warnings/Errors!


Named Semantic Graph

Merged Use Case rubber banding log
Merge the drilling and wireline workflows


Subject Subject Category Predicate Object Object Category
Wireline tool depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Wireline data acquisition #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode is indicator for Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Drilling operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation utilizes Rig #1 DDQUD.Drilling.Rig
Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a Neutron Density Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Depth Trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
DrillString #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillString belongs to actual operation Drilling operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
LWD #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool generates Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wireline spool length signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal estimates Wireline tool depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Corrected Depth Trace #5 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace is corrected using Depth Trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data Logging System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem has a depth log Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Corrected Depth Trace #5 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace is corrected from Depth Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
LWD #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool generates Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wireline tool depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is corrected by Depth correction temperature #1 DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod
Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem has a Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore is equivalent to Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Wireline #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WireLine belongs to actual operation Wireline operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore has an actual operation Wireline operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Wireline #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WireLine generates Wireline spool length signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore is equivalent to Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Logging tool #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool generates Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a Corrected Depth Trace #5 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Rig #1 DDQUD.Drilling.Rig has a DCS #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillingControlSystem
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog has a log trace Neutron density trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem is equivalent to Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a Gamma ray Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
DrillString #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillString has a formation logging tool LWD #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore is equivalent to Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Bit Depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Wireline tool depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is corrected by Depth correction stretch #1 DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod
Wireline depth log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog has a log trace Depth trace #0 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Neutron density trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore is equivalent to Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Rig #1 DDQUD.Drilling.Rig has a Hoisting System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.HoistingSystem
Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog is merged into Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog has a log trace Gamma ray trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog has a log trace Time trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
DCS #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillingControlSystem utilizes Hoisting System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.HoistingSystem
Wireline data acquisition #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem generates Wireline depth log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog
Logging tool #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool generates Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wireline depth log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog is merged into Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Drilling operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation has a DBR #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DailyDrillingReport
Equivalent Indicator forWellbore DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode is indicator for Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Gamma ray trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Wireline depth log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog has a log trace Time trace #0 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore has an actual operation Drilling operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem is equivalent to Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem has indicator Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode
Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Gamma ray trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog has a log trace Gamma ray Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem is equivalent to Data Logging System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Logging tool #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool generates Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a Neutron Porosity Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data acquisition in logging tool DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem generates Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog
Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Neutron density trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog is transferred to Data Logging System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog has a log trace Neutron Density Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Wireline #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WireLine has a logging tool Logging tool #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool
Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore has indicator Equivalent Indicator forWellbore DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode
Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog has a log trace Depth Trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
DCS #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillingControlSystem generates Bit Depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog has a log trace Neutron Porosity Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem generates LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog
LWD #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool generates Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog is stored In memory storage #1 DDQUD.Drilling.InMemoryStorage
Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog is stored File storage #1 DDQUD.Drilling.InFileStorage
LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog has a log trace Depth Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data Logging System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem is equivalent to Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem


Node Name Node Category URI
Wireline tool depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wireline data acquisition #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode
Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Drilling operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Rig #1 DDQUD.Drilling.Rig
Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Neutron Density Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=NeutronDensityTrace
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Depth Trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
DrillString #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillString
LWD #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool
Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal udp://
Wireline spool length signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Corrected Depth Trace #5 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth Trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data Logging System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Depth Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=DepthTrace
Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal udp://
Depth correction temperature #1 DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Wireline #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WireLine
Wireline operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Logging tool #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool
Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
DCS #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillingControlSystem
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog
Neutron density trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Gamma ray Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=GammaRayTrace
Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Data acquisition in logging tool DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Bit Depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal wits://
Depth correction stretch #1 DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod
Wireline depth log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog
Depth trace #0 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Neutron porosity trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Neutron density trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Hoisting System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.HoistingSystem
Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal udp://
Gamma ray trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Time trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Neutron porosity trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
DBR #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DailyDrillingReport
Equivalent Indicator forWellbore DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode
Gamma ray trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Time trace #0 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Gamma ray trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog
Neutron Porosity Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=NeutronPorosityTrace
Neutron density trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Neutron porosity trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
In memory storage #1 DDQUD.Drilling.InMemoryStorage
File storage #1 DDQUD.Drilling.InFileStorage

Plain english description

Wireline tool depth signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wireline data acquisition #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Wireline tool depth signal #1 is acquired by Wireline data acquisition #1
Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System is of type DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode
Data Logging System is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System is indicator for Data Logging System
Drilling operation #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Rig #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.Rig
Drilling operation #1 utilizes Rig #1
Corrected Depth log #5 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Neutron Density Trace #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Neutron Density Trace #1
Depth based log #3 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Depth Trace #3 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Depth Trace #3
DrillString #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DrillString
DrillString #1 belongs to actual operation Drilling operation #1
LWD #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool
Gamma ray signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
LWD #1 generates Gamma ray signal #1
Wireline spool length signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Wireline spool length signal #1 estimates Wireline tool depth signal #1
Corrected Depth Trace #5 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth Trace #4 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Corrected Depth Trace #5 is corrected using Depth Trace #4
Data Logging System #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Depth based log #4 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog
Data Logging System #1 has a depth log Depth based log #4
Depth Trace #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Corrected Depth Trace #5 is corrected from Depth Trace #1
Neutron density signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
LWD #1 generates Neutron density signal #1
Depth correction temperature #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod
Wireline tool depth signal #1 is corrected by Depth correction temperature #1
Data Logging System has a Corrected Depth log #5
Wellbore #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Wellbore is of type DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Wellbore #1 is equivalent to Wellbore
Wireline #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.WireLine
Wireline operation #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation
Wireline #1 belongs to actual operation Wireline operation #1
Wellbore #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore
Wellbore #1 has an actual operation Wireline operation #1
Wireline #1 generates Wireline spool length signal #1
Wellbore is equivalent to Wellbore #1
Logging tool #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool
Gamma ray signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Logging tool #1 generates Gamma ray signal #1
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Corrected Depth Trace #5
DCS #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DrillingControlSystem
Rig #1 has a DCS #1
Memory log #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog
Neutron density trace #2 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Memory log #1 has a log trace Neutron density trace #2
Data Logging #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem
Data Logging System is equivalent to Data Logging #1
Gamma ray Trace #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Gamma ray Trace #1
Neutron porosity signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Data acquisition in logging tool is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem
Neutron porosity signal #1 is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool
DrillString #1 has a formation logging tool LWD #1
Wellbore #1 is equivalent to Wellbore
Bit Depth signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Bit Depth signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1
Depth correction stretch #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod
Wireline tool depth signal #1 is corrected by Depth correction stretch #1
Wireline depth log #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog
Depth trace #0 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Wireline depth log #1 has a log trace Depth trace #0
Neutron porosity trace #4 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #4
Neutron density trace #3 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Neutron density trace #3
Wellbore is equivalent to Wellbore #1
Hoisting System #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.HoistingSystem
Rig #1 has a Hoisting System #1
Neutron porosity signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Neutron porosity signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1
Memory log #1 is merged into Depth based log #3
Gamma ray trace #2 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Memory log #1 has a log trace Gamma ray trace #2
Time trace #2 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Memory log #1 has a log trace Time trace #2
DCS #1 utilizes Hoisting System #1
Wireline data acquisition #1 generates Wireline depth log #1
Neutron density signal #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal
Logging tool #1 generates Neutron density signal #1
Wireline depth log #1 is merged into Depth based log #3
Neutron porosity trace #3 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #3
DBR #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.DailyDrillingReport
Drilling operation #1 has a DBR #1
Equivalent Indicator forWellbore is of type DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode
Equivalent Indicator forWellbore is indicator for Wellbore
Gamma ray signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1
Gamma ray trace #3 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Gamma ray trace #3
Time trace #0 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Wireline depth log #1 has a log trace Time trace #0
Wellbore #1 has an actual operation Drilling operation #1
Neutron density signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1
Data Logging #1 is equivalent to Data Logging System
Data Logging System has indicator Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System
Gamma ray trace #4 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Gamma ray trace #4
LWD log #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog
LWD log #1 has a log trace Gamma ray Trace #1
Neutron density signal #1 is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool
Data Logging System is equivalent to Data Logging System #1
Logging tool #1 generates Neutron porosity signal #1
Neutron Porosity Trace #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Neutron Porosity Trace #1
Data acquisition in logging tool generates Memory log #1
Neutron density trace #4 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Neutron density trace #4
Depth based log #3 is transferred to Data Logging System #1
LWD log #1 has a log trace Neutron Density Trace #1
Wireline #1 has a logging tool Logging tool #1
Wellbore has indicator Equivalent Indicator forWellbore
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Depth Trace #4
DCS #1 generates Bit Depth signal #1
Neutron porosity trace #2 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace
Memory log #1 has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #2
LWD log #1 has a log trace Neutron Porosity Trace #1
Data Logging #1 generates LWD log #1
LWD #1 generates Neutron porosity signal #1
In memory storage #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.InMemoryStorage
Memory log #1 is stored In memory storage #1
Gamma ray signal #1 is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool
File storage #1 is of type DDQUD.Drilling.InFileStorage
Depth based log #3 is stored File storage #1
LWD log #1 has a log trace Depth Trace #1
Data Logging System #1 is equivalent to Data Logging System

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Neutron Porosity Trace #1 Gamma ray trace #3 Depth Trace #4 Neutron porosity trace #4 Depth Trace #3 Neutron Density Trace #1 Wireline depth log #1 Corrected Depth Trace #5 Neutron density signal #1 Depth Trace #1 DrillString #1 Gamma ray trace #2 Logging tool #1 Neutron density trace #3 LWD #1 Time trace #2 Wireline operation #1 Neutron porosity signal #1 Corrected Depth log #5 Gamma ray signal #1 Depth correction temperature #1 Wireline spool length signal #1 Rig #1 Neutron density trace #2 Wireline data acquisition #1 Gamma ray trace #4 Depth based log #4 Wireline #1 Data acquisition in logging tool Depth correction stretch #1 Data Logging System In memory storage #1 Neutron porosity trace #2 Wellbore Hoisting System #1 LWD log #1 DBR #1 Depth trace #0 Neutron density signal #1 DCS #1 Memory log #1 Neutron porosity trace #3 Neutron density trace #4 Neutron porosity signal #1 Depth based log #3 Time trace #0 Wireline tool depth signal #1 Gamma ray signal #1 File storage #1 Gamma ray Trace #1 Drilling operation #1 Bit Depth signal #1 has a log trace is merged into has a log trace is corrected using is corrected from is acquired by belongs to actual operation has a formation logging tool generates generates generates generates generates generates is acquired by has a has a has a has a is acquired by estimates has a has a generates has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace belongs to actual operation generates has a logging tool generates has a depth log has a generates has an actual operation has an actual operation has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace is acquired by utilizes generates has a log trace is merged into has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace is stored is acquired by has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace has a log trace is transferred to is stored is acquired by is corrected by is corrected by is acquired by utilizes has a is acquired by