
Named Semantic Graph


Subject Subject Category Predicate Object Object Category
Wireline tool depth signal #1 is acquired by Wireline data acquisition #1 Edit Delete
Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System is indicator for Data Logging System Edit Delete
Drilling operation #1 utilizes Rig #1 Edit Delete
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Neutron Density Trace #1 Edit Delete
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Depth Trace #3 Edit Delete
DrillString #1 belongs to actual operation Drilling operation #1 Edit Delete
LWD #1 generates Gamma ray signal #1 Edit Delete
Wireline spool length signal #1 estimates Wireline tool depth signal #1 Edit Delete
Corrected Depth Trace #5 is corrected using Depth Trace #4 Edit Delete
Data Logging System #1 has a depth log Depth based log #4 Edit Delete
Corrected Depth Trace #5 is corrected from Depth Trace #1 Edit Delete
LWD #1 generates Neutron density signal #1 Edit Delete
Wireline tool depth signal #1 is corrected by Depth correction temperature #1 Edit Delete
Data Logging System has a Corrected Depth log #5 Edit Delete
Wellbore #1 is equivalent to Wellbore Edit Delete
Wireline #1 belongs to actual operation Wireline operation #1 Edit Delete
Wellbore #1 has an actual operation Wireline operation #1 Edit Delete
Wireline #1 generates Wireline spool length signal #1 Edit Delete
Wellbore is equivalent to Wellbore #1 Edit Delete
Logging tool #1 generates Gamma ray signal #1 Edit Delete
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Corrected Depth Trace #5 Edit Delete
Rig #1 has a DCS #1 Edit Delete
Memory log #1 has a log trace Neutron density trace #2 Edit Delete
Data Logging System is equivalent to Data Logging #1 Edit Delete
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Gamma ray Trace #1 Edit Delete
Neutron porosity signal #1 is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool Edit Delete
DrillString #1 has a formation logging tool LWD #1 Edit Delete
Wellbore #1 is equivalent to Wellbore Edit Delete
Bit Depth signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1 Edit Delete
Wireline tool depth signal #1 is corrected by Depth correction stretch #1 Edit Delete
Wireline depth log #1 has a log trace Depth trace #0 Edit Delete
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #4 Edit Delete
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Neutron density trace #3 Edit Delete
Wellbore is equivalent to Wellbore #1 Edit Delete
Rig #1 has a Hoisting System #1 Edit Delete
Neutron porosity signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1 Edit Delete
Memory log #1 is merged into Depth based log #3 Edit Delete
Memory log #1 has a log trace Gamma ray trace #2 Edit Delete
Memory log #1 has a log trace Time trace #2 Edit Delete
DCS #1 utilizes Hoisting System #1 Edit Delete
Wireline data acquisition #1 generates Wireline depth log #1 Edit Delete
Logging tool #1 generates Neutron density signal #1 Edit Delete
Wireline depth log #1 is merged into Depth based log #3 Edit Delete
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #3 Edit Delete
Drilling operation #1 has a DBR #1 Edit Delete
Equivalent Indicator forWellbore is indicator for Wellbore Edit Delete
Gamma ray signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1 Edit Delete
Depth based log #3 has a log trace Gamma ray trace #3 Edit Delete
Wireline depth log #1 has a log trace Time trace #0 Edit Delete
Wellbore #1 has an actual operation Drilling operation #1 Edit Delete
Neutron density signal #1 is acquired by Data Logging #1 Edit Delete
Data Logging #1 is equivalent to Data Logging System Edit Delete
Data Logging System has indicator Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System Edit Delete
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Gamma ray trace #4 Edit Delete
LWD log #1 has a log trace Gamma ray Trace #1 Edit Delete
Neutron density signal #1 is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool Edit Delete
Data Logging System is equivalent to Data Logging System #1 Edit Delete
Logging tool #1 generates Neutron porosity signal #1 Edit Delete
Corrected Depth log #5 has a Neutron Porosity Trace #1 Edit Delete
Data acquisition in logging tool generates Memory log #1 Edit Delete
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Neutron density trace #4 Edit Delete
Depth based log #3 is transferred to Data Logging System #1 Edit Delete
LWD log #1 has a log trace Neutron Density Trace #1 Edit Delete
Wireline #1 has a logging tool Logging tool #1 Edit Delete
Wellbore has indicator Equivalent Indicator forWellbore Edit Delete
Depth based log #4 has a log trace Depth Trace #4 Edit Delete
DCS #1 generates Bit Depth signal #1 Edit Delete
Memory log #1 has a log trace Neutron porosity trace #2 Edit Delete
LWD log #1 has a log trace Neutron Porosity Trace #1 Edit Delete
Data Logging #1 generates LWD log #1 Edit Delete
LWD #1 generates Neutron porosity signal #1 Edit Delete
Memory log #1 is stored In memory storage #1 Edit Delete
Gamma ray signal #1 is acquired by Data acquisition in logging tool Edit Delete
Depth based log #3 is stored File storage #1 Edit Delete
LWD log #1 has a log trace Depth Trace #1 Edit Delete
Data Logging System #1 is equivalent to Data Logging System Edit Delete
Add Noun Add

Equivalent Nodes

Noun to be equivalent: to With new name Add Equivalence


Name Category URI of Associated resource
Wireline tool depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal Edit
Wireline data acquisition #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem Edit
Equivalent Indicator forData Logging System DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode Edit
Data Logging System DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem Edit
Drilling operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation https://norce-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/personal/erca_norceresearch_no/Documents/doc/Detailed%20procedure%20drilling%206%20x%207.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=kh3b9o Edit
Rig #1 DDQUD.Drilling.Rig Edit
Corrected Depth log #5 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog Edit
Neutron Density Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=NeutronDensityTrace Edit
Depth based log #3 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog Edit
Depth Trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
DrillString #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillString Edit
LWD #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLoggingTool https://www.bakerhughes.com/sites/bakerhughes/files/2020-09/ontrak-integrated-mwd-lwd-service-slsh.pdf Edit
Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal udp:// Edit
Wireline spool length signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal Edit
Corrected Depth Trace #5 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Depth Trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Data Logging System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem Edit
Depth based log #4 DDQUD.Drilling.DepthBasedLog Edit
Depth Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=DepthTrace Edit
Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal udp:// Edit
Depth correction temperature #1 DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod Edit
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore https://norce-my.sharepoint.com/personal/erca_norceresearch_no/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Ferca%5Fnorceresearch%5Fno%2FDocuments%2Fdoc%2FDrillingProgram%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Ferca%5Fnorceresearch%5Fno%2FDocuments%2Fdoc Edit
Wellbore DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore https://norce-my.sharepoint.com/personal/erca_norceresearch_no/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Ferca%5Fnorceresearch%5Fno%2FDocuments%2Fdoc%2FDrillingProgram%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Ferca%5Fnorceresearch%5Fno%2FDocuments%2Fdoc Edit
Wireline #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WireLine Edit
Wireline operation #1 DDQUD.Drilling.ActualOperation Edit
Wellbore #1 DDQUD.Drilling.WellBore Edit
Logging tool #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LoggingTool Edit
Gamma ray signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal Edit
DCS #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DrillingControlSystem Edit
Memory log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog Edit
Neutron density trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Data Logging #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DataLoggingSystem Edit
Gamma ray Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=GammaRayTrace Edit
Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal Edit
Data acquisition in logging tool DDQUD.Drilling.DataAcquisitionSystem Edit
Bit Depth signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal wits:// Edit
Depth correction stretch #1 DDQUD.Drilling.CorrectionMethod Edit
Wireline depth log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.TimeBasedLog Edit
Depth trace #0 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Neutron porosity trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Neutron density trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Hoisting System #1 DDQUD.Drilling.HoistingSystem Edit
Neutron porosity signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal udp:// Edit
Gamma ray trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Time trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Neutron density signal #1 DDQUD.Drilling.RealTimeSignal Edit
Neutron porosity trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
DBR #1 DDQUD.Drilling.DailyDrillingReport https://norce-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/personal/erca_norceresearch_no/Documents/doc/21%20feb.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=e4fbGg Edit
Equivalent Indicator forWellbore DDQUD.SemanticGraph.EquivalentMasterIndicatorNode Edit
Gamma ray trace #3 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Time trace #0 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Gamma ray trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
LWD log #1 DDQUD.Drilling.FormationLog witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog Edit
Neutron Porosity Trace #1 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace witml://witsml/Store/WITSML?object=logs&uidWell=TestWell&uidWellbore=TestWellBore&uidLog=TestLog&uidLogCurve=NeutronPorosityTrace Edit
Neutron density trace #4 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
Neutron porosity trace #2 DDQUD.Drilling.LogTrace Edit
In memory storage #1 DDQUD.Drilling.InMemoryStorage Edit
File storage #1 DDQUD.Drilling.InFileStorage Edit
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