This page is used to convert cartographic coordinates from (or to) a cartographic projection to (or from) the reference geodetic datum WGS84.

You need to specify which cluster to use. The cluster is related to a field which uses a given cartographic projection.

If you specify the North/East (and TVD) cluster reference values, then after clicking the calculate button, you will get the latitude and longitude in the cartographic geodetic datum and the latitude, longitude and TVD in the WGS84. You will also get the northing / easting / tvd in the cartographic projection.

If you specify the northing, easting and TVD in the cartographic projection, then after clicking the calculate button, you will get the latitude and longitude in the cartographic geodetic datum and the latitude, longitude and TVD in the WGS84. You will also get the North/East Cluster Reference values.

If you specify the latitude, longitude and TVD in the geodetic datum of the cartographic projection, then after clicking the calculate button, you will get the northing and easting coordinate as well as the latitude, longitude and TVD in the WGS84. You will also get the North/East Cluster Reference values.

If you specify the latitude, longitude and TVD in the WGS84 datum, then after clicking the calculate button, you will get the northing, easting, latitude, longitude and TVD in the cartographic projection system. You will also get the North/East Cluster Reference values.

If in addition, you have specified the octree depth level, you will also get the octree code, i.e., a high and low unsigned long integer

You can also, enter the octree depth level and codes, and you will get the latitude, longitude and TVD of the center of the provided octree

If several possibilities exist, the order of priority is: conversion from the cartographic coordinates, geodetic coordinate in the geodetic datum of the cartographic projection, geodetic coordinate in the WGS84 geodetic datum, consersion from octree code.

North of cluster reference:
East of cluster reference:
Latitude (Cartographic Datum):
Longitude (Cartographic Datum):
Grid Convergence (Cartographic Datum):
Latitude (WGS84):
Longitude (WGS84):
TVD (WGS84):
Octree Depth:
Octree Code High:
Octree Code Low:
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